In Focus: Equity in Education

A new school year can be a daunting experience for students, families, and educators at the best of times, but no one was prepared for what 2020 would bring. 

As the national conversation unfolds around how, when, or if to reopen schools, leaders across the education sector are increasingly recognizing what many Black, Indigenous and people of color (BIPOC) and marginalized communities have known for years: change is needed, and long overdue. It is time to answer tough questions about who our education systems are designed to benefit and how we can set all students up for success.

In this first installment of In Focus, a new multimedia series that tackles society’s greatest challenges, Aspen Institute staff, advocates, program participants and partners examine the structural inequities in our education system, how the COVID-19 pandemic and national reckoning on race have exacerbated them, and where we go from here.

Students and Parents

Education does not take place in a bubble. The closing and reopening of childcare centers, schools, colleges and universities has profound consequences for millions of families. Almost overnight, working parents are becoming teachers, coaches, and special education instructors. Are we placing enough value on this labor? How can we better support children, families, and the students who are also parents? We must (re)consider the true cost of caregiving, addressing social isolation, and navigating the digital learning environment.

Higher Education

The problems in our postsecondary system are well established: BIPOC and lower-income students are less likely to receive four-year degrees; only 13% of students who enter community college will earn a degree within six years; rural students face significant barriers to college access; and more than 40 million Americans have outstanding student loans. How can we create a more equitable, accessible, and affordable higher education system during this crisis? By strengthening partnerships with community-based organizations and colleges, considering cancelling student debt to power economic recovery, helping undergraduates transfer schools, and putting a renewed focus on the unique challenges HBCUs are facing.


The decision to reopen schools during COVID has become a contentious and politically charged issue, with a national patchwork of full, partial, and completely-virtual returns to the classroom. How can district leaders and policymakers prioritize students’ physical safety while also meeting their social and emotional needs? The resources below explore ways decision-makers can take a holistic approach to reopening athletes and coaches can safely return to play, public agencies and community organizations can partner to serve youth, and more.


The promise of public education is to provide all individuals with the foundation they need to build the life they want. Yet, for decades, the system has failed to meet this vision. BIPOC and low-income communities are underserved and under-resourced -- a trend that the pandemic is only worsening. How can we create more equity in education? To start, we must address how issues of racial justice play out in our school systems, the digital divide is widening, and schools are increasingly becoming on-ramps to the criminal justice system.

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