Artist-Endowed Foundations Initiative/AEFI

In Support of the Los Angeles Arts Community – January 2025

Joining with Artist-Endowed Foundations nationally, the Aspen Institute Artist-Endowed Foundations Initiative | AEFI stands with the Los Angeles arts community amid the devastating loss and displacement it is experiencing as wildfires sweep the region.

If you are a donor who would like to help support the collaborative Getty Foundation-led LA Arts Community Fire Relief Fund, please go to this link.

If you are an artist or art worker in LA seeking emergency support from this new fund, please visit its administrator, the Center for Cultural Innovation, at this link.

Artist-Endowed Foundations Initiative/AEFI

Bearing names such as Frankenthaler, Haring, Lichtenstein, Mapplethorpe, Pollock-Krasner, Rauschenberg, and Warhol, private foundations created by visual artists are a rapidly emerging force in cultural philanthropy and art stewardship. The Aspen Institute Artist-Endowed Foundations Initiative/AEFI aims to strengthen the charitable impact of this emerging field by addressing the significant information gap facing those who create, lead, govern, and advise artist-endowed foundations. It implements this strategy through research, publication, leadership convening, professional development, and events to share knowledge with key audiences.



A Selection of Artist-Endowed Foundations in the U.S.

Click a photo to explore the associated foundation.

Past Events