Reconnecting Work & Wealth


Reconnecting Work and Wealth is a joint set of work led by the Financial Security Program and Economic Opportunities Program at the Aspen Institute. Income and assets are both essential building blocks of household economic security and opportunity, and are intertwined in the economic lives of households. Together the programs are exploring how critical changes in recent decades are reshaping both labor and financial markets and leaving working families more vulnerable. Through publications, public convenings, and intensive dialogues with leaders in industry, academia, philanthropy, government, and nonprofit organizations, the Aspen Institute is advancing the conversation on how to ensure that hard work can lead to economic stability and mobility in today’s economy.

To learn more about our annual Economic Security Summit, click here.

The Financial Security Program and the Economic Opportunities Program are grateful to our seed funder the Prudential Foundation as well as the Ford Foundation and the W.K. Kellogg Foundation for their support of this important work.



Summit Videos
