Stevens Initiative

The Stevens Initiative is an international movement whose mission is to connect young people through virtual exchange to enhance their understanding of the world around them, giving them critical skills to succeed and encouraging global friendships along the way.

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What We Do

Created in 2015, the Stevens Initiative is committed to helping expand the virtual exchange field through three areas of work: 

  • Investing in innovative programs that offer young people life-changing global experiences.
  • Sharing knowledge and resources to support the growth of the virtual exchange field.
  • Advocating for virtual exchange adoption so every young person has access to these experiences.

The Stevens Initiative connects young people across continents and cultures. Through virtual exchange, youth have access to a substantive international exchange experience by collaborating and learning with their peers abroad without leaving their communities. Recognizing the impact that virtual exchange can have and capitalizing on advances in technology, the aim is to make meaningful, cross-cultural experiences available to all young people. Learn more.

Virtual Exchange 

Virtual exchange connects young people from around the world for learning and collaboration, immersing them in digital spaces to gain practical skills and build friendships along the way. You can learn more about virtual exchange here.

Our Inspiration

U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens devoted his life to building bridges through open and respectful dialogue and person-to-person diplomacy. As a young man, he taught English in the Atlas Mountains of Morocco as a Peace Corps volunteer. Morocco was his gateway to a life as an intrepid diplomat. He served the majority of his Foreign Service career in the Middle East and North Africa, a region he grew to love, and eventually served as U.S. Ambassador to Libya. 

The Stevens Initiative, conceived and developed in close partnership with Ambassador Stevens’ family, seeks to give a generation of young people the kind of meaningful international experiences that shaped Ambassador Stevens as a young man.

Our Partners

The Stevens Initiative is a program of the Aspen Institute and is supported by the Bezos Family Foundation and the governments of Morocco and the United Arab Emirates. The J. Christopher Stevens Virtual Exchange Initiative is a U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs program administered by the Aspen Institute.

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