UpSkill America — an initiative of the Economic Opportunities Program — and the Latinos and Society Program at the Aspen Institute, with support from, launched the Digital Skills and the Latino Workforce research project to better understand the challenges and opportunities that Latino workers and Latino business owners face to succeed in the digital economy. This report, “Pathways to digital skills development for Latino workers,” presents findings from a nationwide survey and in-depth interviews with employers of Latino frontline workers and workforce development organizations. The publication also identifies promising business practices and ecosystem approaches to developing the digital skills of the Latino workforce. Finally, the report concludes with a call-to-action for employers and workforce organizations to get involved in the planning process around the Digital Equity Act programs, to start in Summer 2022.
Tweet Report: “Pathways to digital skills development for Latino workers: What employers say about their skill development needs and what workforce organizations are doing to help” by @AspenLatinos and @upskillamerica.
Tweet The pandemic accelerated technological change — reshaping industries and disrupting labor markets. This report by @AspenLatinos and @upskillamerica examines the challenges and opportunities Latino workers and business owners face in the digital economy.
Tweet Latino workers face high rates of potential job displacement due to automation and digitization. This report by @AspenLatinos and @upskillamerica identifies promising business practices and ecosystem approaches to #digitalskills development.
Tweet With #DigitalEquity Act programs starting in summer 2022, this report by @AspenLatinos and @upskillamerica includes a timely call-to-action to help prepare employers and workforce organizations to leverage new opportunities this season.
Tweet “Pathways to #DigitalSkills Development for Latino Workers” — a report by @AspenLatinos and @upskillamerica — identifies ways that employers and organizations can prepare the Latino workforce to thrive in an increasingly digital economy and society.