
Responsible Technology: A Path Towards an Ethical Innovation Ecosystem

June 19, 2024  • Aspen Digital & Project Liberty Institute

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Even as technological breakthroughs accelerate at an unprecedented pace, innovation is too often neither designed with nor deployed for those who are impacted.

Against this backdrop, Aspen Digital and Project Liberty Institute offer recommendations toward a future where innovation advances human dignity, shared prosperity, and environmental sustainability.

The result of extensive consultations across five continents with shapers of the digital economy, the guidelines set three priorities:

  • Create a shared vision and common metrics
  • Create market incentives that spur a digital economy in the common interest
  • Advance public interest technology and infrastructure to foster a healthier digital economy

150 global leaders from governments, businesses, civil society, and international organizations helped to shape these recommendations for a path toward ethical innovation that ensures a future truly built by and for all.