Finance and Assets

Tackling the Challenge of Financial Inclusion: Social Intrapreneurs Step Up

October 19, 2016  • First Movers Fellowship Program & Business and Society Program



Nearly forty percent of adults around the world are unbanked or underserved by the financial system. This gap has devastating impacts that extend well beyond these individuals and their families. A lack of effective financial inclusion hinders economic growth and exacerbates social inequalities.

Tackling the Challenge of Financial Inclusion: Social Intrapreneurs Step Up demonstrates how businessmen and women – First Mover Fellows at the Aspen Institute Business and Society Program (Aspen BSP) – are creating pathways in their own companies to bring more people into the financial system and thus create greater well-being for all. These First Movers are leveraging the resources and influence of their companies to create profitable business lines that address a pressing social challenge.

Co-authored by First Mover Fellows and Aspen BSP staff, this report represents the first joint publication of a First Mover Impact Cluster. As the First Mover Fellowship network continues to grow, our Impact Clusters are showcasing and advancing the talent of our skilled community of intrepid corporate social intrapreneurs.

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Thank you to the MetLife Foundation for making this report possible.