Employment and Jobs

Upskilling Frontline Workers: Three Strategies to Future-Proof your Workforce

May 23, 2024  • UpSkill America & i4cp

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Recent research by UpSkill America and the Institute for Corporate Productivity (i4cp) has found that: 

  • Only 25% of the HR leaders who took part in a December 2023 i4cp survey perceived workforce development as a strength of their organization.
  • Just 9% of more than 100 private and public company board directors surveyed indicated they were very confident in their company’s ability to effectively upskill its employees for the future.

Read the brief to learn more about next practices in upskilling, including internal training, apprenticeship, and tuition assistance that will help any organization to be more productive and resilient for the future.

About UpSkill America

UpSkill America, an initiative of the Aspen Institute Economic Opportunities Program, supports employers and workforce organizations to expand and improve high-quality educational and career advancement opportunities for America’s front-line workers. We seek to create a movement of employers, civic organizations, workforce intermediaries, and policymakers working collaboratively to implement education, training, and development strategies that result in better jobs and opportunities for front-line workers, more competitive businesses, and stronger communities. Follow us on LinkedIn and learn more at upskillamerica.org.

About i4cp

i4cp is the leading global authority on human capital. We produce more research than any other human capital research firm in the world, and many of the world’s most prominent organizations and HR leaders turn to i4cp to better capitalize on HR best practices and emerging workforce trends. Supported by a powerful community of human capital practitioners, we provide HR research and insights that help organizations better anticipate, adapt, and act in a constantly changing business environment. Learn more at i4cp.com.