Aspen España Seminars

Aspen España and Aspen Institute US are collaborating in two Aspen España Leadership Seminars: “Transatlantic Values at a Crossroads: Contemporary Leadership Challenges” and “Leadership & Character”. These seminars builds on the themes of the classic Aspen Seminar but looks at the current economic and political crisis through a specifically European lens.

Transatlantic Values at a Crossroads

October 24 – 27 in Ronda, Spain

This seminar builds on the themes of the classic Aspen Executive Seminar through a specifically transatlantic lens. How do we understand the values structure of business and civil society as Europe and the trans-atlantic alliance face unprecedented challenges? How do we live and lead in a multinational, multicultural context?

Leadership & Character

October 17 – 20 in Ronda, Spain

an exploration of character and its relationship to values-based leadership. What is character? How is it developed? How do we cultivate, share, and support a leadership culture—within organizations and in society at large—which emphasizes character?

A substantial portion of the seminar readings are from Spanish and other European authors and are designed to help clarify our current predicament and to explore what courses of values-based action leaders might follow. Texts to be considered include works by Cervantes, Ortega y Gasset, Mario Vargas Llosa, Hannah Arendt, Rousseau, George Soros, Pope John Paul II, Amartya Sen, and Jean Monnet. This seminar will appeal to European leaders in business, government, and NGOs, as well as Aspen alumni who do business in Europe, who are keen to understand our current political and economic crisis from a European perspective, and who have an interest in the contemporary challenges to democratic capitalism. The seminars will be moderated Aspen Institute trained moderators.

Real Maestranza de Caballería de Ronda ( is one of the Royal archival treasures of Spain, set in one of the most picturesque towns of Andalusia.

“The Seminars’ readings were chosen to give us certain understandings of moral issues, and then to present us with the problems inherent in that position in a subsequent reading. This foundation is critical for leaders hoping to understand nuance and channel that understanding toward the common good.”
—2011 participant Enrique Mora Benavente, Spanish Diplomat

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