Economic Opportunity Fellows Network, 2015 Fellows
The following are members of the 2015 cohort of the Economic Opportunity Fellows Network. Learn more at as.pn/eofn.
DreamSpringMicrofinance Impact Collaborative member since 2015Albuquerque, New MexicoView Profile
Accion Serving Illinois & Northwest IndianaMicrofinance Impact Collaborative member since 2015Chicago, IllinoisView Profile
Accion Serving the East CoastMicrofinance Impact Collaborative member since 2015New York, New YorkView Profile
Aaron AldrichELM² Fellow, Class of 2015Bridgeway Capital, Pittsburgh, PAView Profile
Steve BountressWeinberg Academy Fellow, Class of 2015Vice President, Living Classrooms Foundation, Baltimore, MDView Profile
Jacqueline BuedelThe Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Sector Skills Academy, Class of 2016Director of Academic and Career Advancement, Caroline Center, Baltimore, MDView Profile
Wayne ButscherWeinberg Academy Fellow, Class of 2015Director of the BioSTART to Laboratory Associates Program, The BioTechnical Institute of Maryland Inc., Baltimore, MDView Profile
Elaine CarrollWeinberg Academy Fellow, Class of 2015Site Director, Jane Addams Resource Corporation, Baltimore, MDView Profile
Jeff CarrollWeinberg Academy Fellow, Class of 2015Vice President, Humanim, Baltimore, MDView Profile
Eric ClayWeinberg Academy Fellow, Class of 2015Director, Workforce Development, Bon Secours Community Works, Baltimore, MDView Profile
Elisa CookeELM² Fellow, Class of 2015Economic and Community Development Institute (ECDI), Columbus, OHView Profile
Tona CraviotoWeinberg Academy Fellow, Class of 2015Sr. Director Workforce Development, St. Vincent de Paul of Baltimore, Baltimore, MDView Profile
Nancy FentonWeinberg Academy Fellow, Class of 2015Director of Development, Central Scholarship, Baltimore, MDView Profile
Terry FisherWeinberg Academy Fellow, Class of 2015Director of Programs, Baltimore Alliance for Careers in Healthcare, Baltimore, MDView Profile
Esther FraserELM² Fellow, Class of 2015Rising Tide Capital, Jersey City, NJView Profile
Gicelle FundalesWeinberg Academy Fellow, Class of 2015Director of Training and Production, Civic Works, Baltimore, MDView Profile
Jean HenryWeinberg Academy Fellow, Class of 2015Director of Workforce Development and Community Education, Baltimore City Community College, Baltimore, MDView Profile
Rosalind HowardWeinberg Academy Fellow, Class of 2015Business Services Manager, Mayor's Office of Employment Development, Baltimore, MDView Profile
Ursulette HuntleyELM² Fellow, Class of 2015Unlimited Future, Inc., Huntington, WVView Profile
Aida IbragimovaELM² Fellow, Class of 2015Justine PETERSEN Housing and Reinvestment Corporation, St. Louis, MOView Profile
Intersect FundMicrofinance Impact Collaborative member since 2015Newark, New JerseyView Profile
Danny IsaacsELM² Fellow, Class of 2015Mountain Association for Community Economic Development, Berea, KYView Profile
Kyle JohnsonELM² Fellow, Class of 2015Accion Chicago, Chicago, ILView Profile
Justine PETERSENMicrofinance Impact Collaborative member since 2015St. Louis, MissouriView Profile
Brendan LandryELM² Fellow, Class of 2015Rocky Mountain MicroFinance Institute, Denver, COView Profile
Clair MinsonWeinberg Academy Fellow, Class of 2015Assistant Vice President, Talent Development, New Orleans Business Alliance, New Orleans, LAView Profile
Lois MitchellWeinberg Academy Fellow, Class of 2015Director of Programs, Historic East Baltimore Community Action Coalition, Inc., Baltimore, MDView Profile
Sara MuempferWeinberg Academy Fellow, Class of 2015Senior Associate for Economic Opportunity, The Annie E. Casey Foundation, Baltimore, MDView Profile
Opportunity FundMicrofinance Impact Collaborative member since 2015San Jose, CaliforniaView Profile
Jermaine PetersonWeinberg Academy Fellow, Class of 2015Culinary Program Manager, Moveable Feast, Baltimore, MDView Profile
Nii SowahWeinberg Academy Fellow, Class of 2015Director of FSES Programs, Center for Urban Families, Baltimore, MDView Profile
Matt StubbsWeinberg Academy Fellow, Class of 2015Program Manager, Job Opportunities Task Force, Baltimore, MDView Profile
Teshite WakoELM² Fellow, Class of 2015Neighborhood Development Center, St. Paul, MNView Profile
Lauren WilliamsELM² Fellow, Class of 2015CFED, Washington, DCView Profile
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