Economic Opportunity Fellows Network, 2016 Fellows
The following are members of the 2016 cohort of the Economic Opportunity Fellows Network. Learn more at as.pn/eofn.
DreamSpringMicrofinance Impact Collaborative member since 2015Albuquerque, New MexicoView Profile
Accion Serving Illinois & Northwest IndianaMicrofinance Impact Collaborative member since 2015Chicago, IllinoisView Profile
Accion Serving the East CoastMicrofinance Impact Collaborative member since 2015New York, New YorkView Profile
Sharon AffordeGreater Seattle Sector Skills Academy, Class of 2016Business Services Liaison - Healthcare, Pacific Associates, in partnership with WorkSource, Seattle, WashingtonView Profile
Shelan AldridgeGreater Seattle Sector Skills Academy, Class of 2016Associate Director of Self-Sufficiency Services, Neighborhood House, Seattle, WashingtonView Profile
Claudia AlvaradoGreater Seattle Sector Skills Academy, Class of 2016Program Manager, YWCA Seattle King Snohomish, Seattle, WashingtonView Profile
Devi ArasanayagamToronto Sector Skills Academy, Class of 2016-17Manager, Employment & Social Services Division, City of Toronto, Toronto, ONView Profile
Mindy AronoffCommunities that Work Partnership Fellow, 2015-16Director of Training, Bay Area Video Coalition, San Francisco, CAView Profile
Veronica AvilaCommunities that Work Partnership Fellow, 2015-16Workforce Development Director, National Domestic Workers Alliance, New York, NYView Profile
Lynne BansemerGreater Seattle Sector Skills Academy, Class of 2016Coordinator - TERO Vocational Training Center, Tulalip Tribes, Seattle, WashingtonView Profile
Chuck BeanCommunities that Work Partnership Fellow, 2015-16Executive Director, Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments, Washington, DCView Profile
Peter BeardCommunities that Work Partnership Fellow, 2015-16Senior Vice President, Greater Houston Partnership, Houston, TXView Profile
Mirelle BlassnigToronto Sector Skills Academy, Class of 2016-17Senior Program Design and Development Analyst, Government of Ontario, Toronto, ONView Profile
Haris BlenticToronto Sector Skills Academy, Class of 2016-17Director of Employment Services, Dixon Hall Neighbourhood Services, Toronto, ONView Profile
Rosalyn BoxerCommunities that Work Partnership Fellow, 2015-16Vice President, Workforce Development, Arizona Commerce Authority, Phoenix, AZView Profile
Elizabeth CallahanCommunities that Work Partnership Fellow, 2015-16Workforce Development Manager, Buffalo Niagara Partnership, Buffalo Niagara Partnership, Buffalo, NYView Profile
Jack ChapmanGreater Seattle Sector Skills Academy, Class of 2016Program Supervisor, Pacific Associates, Seattle, WashingtonView Profile
Tarah ClarkToronto Sector Skills Academy, Class of 2016-17Director of Partnerships, Building Up, Toronto, ONView Profile
Fabio CrespinToronto Sector Skills Academy, Class of 2016-17Manager of Youth Initiatives, United Way Toronto, Toronto, ONView Profile
Clotilde DedeckerCommunities that Work Partnership Fellow, 2015-16President, Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo, Buffalo, NYView Profile
Christopher DonnellyCommunities that Work Partnership Fellow, 2015-16Director, Silicon Valley/San Jose Workforce Investment Board--Work2Future, San Jose, CAView Profile
Karen DoveGreater Seattle Sector Skills Academy, Class of 2016Executive Director, ANEW, Seattle, WashingtonView Profile
Matias de DovitiisToronto Sector Skills Academy, Class of 2016-17Executive Director, DUKE Heights Business Improvement Area, Toronto, ONView Profile
Neil DickToronto Sector Skills Academy, Class of 2016-17Program Coordinator, Loyalist Training & Knowledge Centre, Toronto, ONView Profile
James DinegarCommunities that Work Partnership Fellow, 2015-16President & CEO, Greater Washington Board of Trade, Washington, DCView Profile
Dennis ElsenbeckCommunities that Work Partnership Fellow, 2015-16Regional Executive, National Grid, Buffalo, NYView Profile
Janna ErichsenToronto Sector Skills Academy, Class of 2016-17Chair of Part-time Learning, School of Transportation, Centennial College , Toronto, ONView Profile
Jeff FanselowCommunities that Work Partnership Fellow, 2015-16Director, Learning and Development, CBS Interactive, San Francisco, CAView Profile
Louis FordhamCommunities that Work Partnership Fellow, 2015-16Corporate Vice President, Resources & Facilities, J+J Flooring Group, Dalton, GAView Profile
Sasha GourevitchGreater Seattle Sector Skills Academy, Class of 2016Expert Network Coordinator, Educurious, Seattle, WashingtonView Profile
Avril Gray-WhiteToronto Sector Skills Academy, Class of 2016-17Senior Manager, Programs and Strategic Initiatives, Skills for Change, Toronto, ONView Profile
John HalpinCommunities that Work Partnership Fellow, 2015-16Director of Program Operations, San Francisco Office of Economic and Workforce Development, San Francisco, CAView Profile
Allatia HarrisCommunities that Work Partnership Fellow, 2015-16Vice Chancellor, Strategic Initiatives – Workforce, Community and Diversity, San Jacinto College, Pasadena, TXView Profile
David HedbergCommunities that Work Partnership Fellow, 2015-16Director – Field Application Development, Cox Communications, Phoenix, AZView Profile
Mike HewittToronto Sector Skills Academy, Class of 2016-17Coordinator, Manufacturing Resource Centre, Quinte Economic Development Commission, Toronto, ONView Profile
Kathryn HornsbyCommunities that Work Partnership Fellow, 2015-16Assistant Commissioner, Office of Technical Education, Technical College System of Georgia (TCSG), Atlanta, GAView Profile
Mary HoustonGreater Seattle Sector Skills Academy, Class of 2016Director of Service Delivery, Workforce Snohomish, Seattle, WashingtonView Profile
Christopher ImecsToronto Sector Skills Academy, Class of 2016-17Manager of Employment Programs, Learning Enrichment Foundation, Toronto, ONView Profile
Intersect FundMicrofinance Impact Collaborative member since 2015Newark, New JerseyView Profile
Najma IqbalToronto Sector Skills Academy, Class of 2016-17Community & Labour Market Manager, Toronto Employment & Social Services, Toronto, ONView Profile
Denise Nicole JohnsonGreater Seattle Sector Skills Academy, Class of 2016Career & Education Navigator, Port Jobs, Seattle, WashingtonView Profile
Philip JohnsonToronto Sector Skills Academy, Class of 2016-17Director of Operations, Hospitality Workers Training Centre, Toronto, ONView Profile
Irene JorCommunities that Work Partnership Fellow, 2015-16New York Organizer, New York Domestic Worker Coalition, New York, NYView Profile
Judy JosefowiczToronto Sector Skills Academy, Class of 2016-17Manager of Neighbourhoods, United Way Toronto, Toronto, ONView Profile
Justine PETERSENMicrofinance Impact Collaborative member since 2015St. Louis, MissouriView Profile
Aaron KorngeibelGreater Seattle Sector Skills Academy, Class of 2016Interim Dean, Workforce Instruction Division, North Seattle College, Seattle, WashingtonView Profile
Sipho KwakuToronto Sector Skills Academy, Class of 2016-17Director of Homelessness & Housing Help and Mental Health & Developmental Services, WoodGreen Community Services, Toronto, ONView Profile
James LapierreToronto Sector Skills Academy, Class of 2016-17Manager, Workforce Development, City of Toronto, Toronto, ONView Profile
Aubre LawlessGreater Seattle Sector Skills Academy, Class of 2016Training and Education Coordinator, Washington Association of Community & Migrant Health Centers, Seattle, WashingtonView Profile
Vanessa Ling YuToronto Sector Skills Academy, Class of 2016-17Director, caterToronto, Toronto, ONView Profile
Cara MattelianoCommunities that Work Partnership Fellow, 2015-16Vice President, Community Impact, Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo, Buffalo, NYView Profile
J.C. MaxieGreater Seattle Sector Skills Academy, Class of 2016Assistant Center Manager, Seattle Goodwill Job Training & Education, Seattle, WashingtonView Profile
Heather McMillanToronto Sector Skills Academy, Class of 2016-17Executive Director, Durham Workforce Authority, Toronto, ONView Profile
Summer MobiliaGreater Seattle Sector Skills Academy, Class of 2016Strategies for Success Instructor, Washington State Employment Security Dept., Seattle, WashingtonView Profile
Michael MurphyGreater Seattle Sector Skills Academy, Class of 2016Director of Client and Community Services, Pioneer Human Services, Seattle, WashingtonView Profile
Wesley NguyenGreater Seattle Sector Skills Academy, Class of 2016Senior Project Manager, Seattle Jobs Initiative, Seattle, WashingtonView Profile
Linda O’BlackCommunities that Work Partnership Fellow, 2015-16Vice President, Community Impact, United Way of Greater Houston, Houston, TXView Profile
Opportunity FundMicrofinance Impact Collaborative member since 2015San Jose, CaliforniaView Profile
Adam OrtizCommunities that Work Partnership Fellow, 2015-16Director, Prince George's County Department of the Environment, Largo, MDView Profile
Jill PatnodeGreater Seattle Sector Skills Academy, Class of 2016Thriving Schools Program Manger, Kaiser Permanente, Seattle, WashingtonView Profile
Deana PerryCommunities that Work Partnership Fellow, 2015-16Community and Economic Development Coordinator, Northwest Georgia Regional Commission, Rome, GAView Profile
Jason PetraitGreater Seattle Sector Skills Academy, Class of 2016Director of Special Projects, South Seattle College, Seattle, WashingtonView Profile
Aleksandra PopovicToronto Sector Skills Academy, Class of 2016-17Director, Workplace and Workforce Initiatives, ABC Life Literacy Canada, Toronto, ONView Profile
Jennifer PosthumusToronto Sector Skills Academy, Class of 2016-17Manager, Employer & Stakeholder Engagement, Toronto Employment and Social Services, Toronto, ONView Profile
Rowena PowerToronto Sector Skills Academy, Class of 2016-17Director of Food Distribution, North York Harvest Food Bank, Toronto, ONView Profile
Alison PughGreater Seattle Sector Skills Academy, Class of 2016Faculty, Sustainable Building Science Technology Bachelor's Program, South Seattle College, Seattle, WashingtonView Profile
Sue SadlerToronto Sector Skills Academy, Class of 2016-17Senior Vice President of Services and Program Development, ACCES Employment, Toronto, ONView Profile
Sarah SchererGreater Seattle Sector Skills Academy, Class of 2016Director/Associate Dean Seattle Maritime Academy, Seattle Central College, Seattle, WashingtonView Profile
Laurie ShannonGreater Seattle Sector Skills Academy, Class of 2016Graduation, Reengagement and Truancy Program Supervisor, Washington State Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, Seattle, WashingtonView Profile
Doug SiglinCommunities that Work Partnership Fellow, 2015-16Executive Director, Anacostia River Initiative, Federal City Council, Washington, DCView Profile
Laura SmithCommunities that Work Partnership Fellow, 2015-16President, Buffalo Niagara Partnership, Buffalo, NYView Profile
Trevor StokesCommunities that Work Partnership Fellow, 2015-16Manager of Workforce Programs, Arizona Commerce Authority, Phoenix, AZView Profile
Leonie TchatatToronto Sector Skills Academy, Class of 2016-17Founder & President, La Passerelle-I.D.É., Toronto, ONView Profile
Mike TempleCommunities that Work Partnership Fellow, 2015-16Director, Gulf Coast Workforce Solutions, Houston, TXView Profile
Linta VargheseCommunities that Work Partnership Fellow, 2015-16New York Program Director, Hand in Hand, New York, NYView Profile
Brian WalshGreater Seattle Sector Skills Academy, Class of 2016Policy Associate - Corrections Education, State Board for Community and Technical Colleges, Seattle, WashingtonView Profile
Barbara WardCommunities that Work Partnership Fellow, 2015-16Director of Workforce Development, Greater Dalton Chamber of Commerce, Dalton, GAView Profile
Sandra WatsonCommunities that Work Partnership Fellow, 2015-16President and Chief Executive Officer, Arizona Commerce Authority, Phoenix, AZView Profile
Maria WhyteCommunities that Work Partnership Fellow, 2015-16Deputy County Executive, Erie County, Buffalo, NYView Profile
Leslie WolffGreater Seattle Sector Skills Academy, Class of 2016Policy and Communications Manager for Community Services and Housing, Washington State Department of Commerce, Seattle, WashingtonView Profile
Haeyoung YoonCommunities that Work Partnership Fellow, 2015-16Deputy Program Director, National Employment Law Project, NELP, New York, NYView Profile
Steve ZylstraCommunities that Work Partnership Fellow, 2015-16President and Chief Executive Officer, Arizona Technology Council, Phoenix, AZView Profile
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