ELM² Fellows Class of 2015
The Emerging Leaders in Microbusiness (ELM²) Fellowship supports the development of emerging leaders in the microbusiness development field. Click here to learn more.
Aaron AldrichELM² Fellow, Class of 2015Bridgeway Capital, Pittsburgh, PAView Profile
Jonathan ColemanELM² Fellow, Class of 2015ASSETS Lancaster, Lancaster, PAView Profile
Elisa CookeELM² Fellow, Class of 2015Economic and Community Development Institute (ECDI), Columbus, OHView Profile
Esther FraserELM² Fellow, Class of 2015Rising Tide Capital, Jersey City, NJView Profile
Ursulette HuntleyELM² Fellow, Class of 2015Unlimited Future, Inc., Huntington, WVView Profile
Aida IbragimovaELM² Fellow, Class of 2015Justine PETERSEN Housing and Reinvestment Corporation, St. Louis, MOView Profile
Danny IsaacsELM² Fellow, Class of 2015Mountain Association for Community Economic Development, Berea, KYView Profile
Kyle JohnsonELM² Fellow, Class of 2015Accion Chicago, Chicago, ILView Profile
Brendan LandryELM² Fellow, Class of 2015Rocky Mountain MicroFinance Institute, Denver, COView Profile
Jonny PriceELM² Fellow, Class of 2015Kiva, San Francisco, CAView Profile
Teshite WakoELM² Fellow, Class of 2015Neighborhood Development Center, St. Paul, MNView Profile
Lauren WilliamsELM² Fellow, Class of 2015CFED, Washington, DCView Profile
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