Business and Markets

Private Capital as a Unique Catalyst For Environmental and Social Impact

September 25, 2024  • Business and Society Program

While measuring and managing ESG factors (environmental sustainability, social impact, and corporate governance) was originally the domain of public companies and their investors, private capital increasingly flows towards investment managers that use ESG data to manage financial risk or improve financial performance in private equity and debt markets.

In this conversation at the Business & Society Program’s Aspen ESG Summit 2024, leaders expanded upon how they use ESG factors as an investment tool in private capital.

Because private capital favors a more direct, hands-on management approach with its portfolio companies, the asset class offers investors the ability to invest more granularly in specific issues or themes of particular interest. For example, private capital invested using an ESG lens can mobilize resources to boost renewable energy or unlock real investments in worker advancement.

Featured Speakers:

  • Jonathan Hirschtritt, Head of Sustainability and Impact Investing, GCM Grosvenor
  • Amy Silverstein, Partner, e2p Private Equity & Aspen Institute Economic Mobility Fellow

This session was moderated by Kristina Saccone, Director of Creative Services at the Aspen Institute.